The Perfect YouTube Profile Picture Size: Tips, Examples, & More

youtube profile picture size

YouTube has more than 1.5 billion users (second in social only to Facebook), and the average viewing session lasts almost 40 minutes to create a combined 500 million hours of video watched daily on the channel.

Unsurprisingly, with this kind of engagement and enthusiasm from its users, YouTube has exceptional marketing potential for brands who are ready to offer interesting, valuable content tailored to their audience. The content itself, though, isn’t the only thing that you need to be considering; you also need to put time and effort into the look of the channel itself, and your profile picture is an important part of that.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at your perfect YouTube profile picture size and other tips, examples, and even a few templates. You can use these best practices to create a great impression and get more clicks to your channel. [continue reading…]

The Best Twitch Panel Size for Your Stream Channel

Twitch Panel Design Guide

When starting a Twitch channel, you want to make sure that your channel branding is on point. You’ll want to add a nicely designed Twitch banner, a profile picture, and even some Twitch panels to give your viewers a better idea of what you’ll be streaming.

We’ve covered most of the other elements of a Twitch channel in our other blog posts, but one thing we have not touched upon is the Twitch panel size.

In this article, we’ll give you the best possible Twitch panel dimensions, along with ideas and tips to help you create the best possible panel designs!

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13 Helpful Resources for Color Palette Inspiration

Color Palette Inspiration

When it comes to graphic design, color plays an important role. In fact, selecting a great color palette is one of several graphic design tips we advocate.

But if you’re not a designer, you might be a little low on design inspiration.

Not to worry…

In this post, we’ve curated a killer list of resources for color palette inspiration. From color palette generators to color palette ideas, now you’ll never run out of colors ever again.

Let’s dive in! [continue reading…]

8 Types of Social Media Marketing Images All Brands Should Use

social media marketing images

If you put 100 social media marketers into a room and asked them about the hardest parts of the job, the vast majority would agree that the difficulty of coming up with the sheer amount of content needed to stay relevant was at least in their top 5. 

Quantity does matter, after all; most brands need to post at least 3x per week per platform (though no more than once per day per platform) to keep engagement up. 

That’s a lot on its own for an ongoing basis, but the fact that you need to do this for Facebook, Instagram, Stories, Pinterest, Twitter, and any other currently-popular app becomes overwhelming. Because of course it’s not just about quantity; the quality needs to be there, too.

And that’s where diversity in social media images comes in. You want to include more images into your posts, since they’ll result in an average of a 37% increase in engagement on Facebook and can’t even be shared on Pinterest and Instagram without them. So you need enough images to keep your audience engaged, but you also need diversity so that they stay interested and you’re able to generate enough content without grasping for straws.

We’re here to make that a little simpler for you. In this post, we’re going to look at 8 types of social media marketing images you should include into your social calendars to mix it up for everyone involved.

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7 Easy Design Tips for Social Video Thumbnail Images

Social Video Thumbnails Images

Video is the hottest thing on social media right now. Businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes are relying on video to better connect with their target audience, delivering their messages in new, user-friendly mediums that are engaging and dynamic.

There is, however, a lot that goes into video creation– more so than just uploading images or conventional text posts. Video takes longer to create, and you have to consider factors like the best length, formatting, and much more. It’s no surprise that sometimes small-but-crucial details get overlooked. 

One of these details is social video thumbnail images.

Many social media platforms that have native video allow you to set an image that will be displayed before the video starts, including both YouTube and Facebook, and every business, brand, or marketer should be taking advantage of this. 

If you aren’t sure where to start (or if you’re looking for some new tricks!), keep reading; we’re going to take a look at 7 easy design tips for social video thumbnails that will increase your clicks. 

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The Proper YouTube Description Template & Tips to Get More Views

YouTube has content that’s been created from bursts of creativity alongside carefully calculated strategy. People come to watch videos meant to entertain them and educate them alike, and brands put an endless amount of effort into doing just that.

There’s a gap in YouTube marketing, however, that many marketers and businesses are missing, which is weakening their overall effort, and that’s their YouTube descriptions.

Even though the focus is geared towards the videos you’re creating on YouTube, the descriptions still matter a great deal and for several different reasons. In this post, we’re going to take a look at the best YouTube description template you should be using, how to alter it to fit your channel, and description tips to get more views.

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The Best Facebook Video Format: What You Need to Know

The Best Facebook Video Format

Your Facebook videos require a lot of creativity and a lot of time to make, especially once you start looking at creating multiple videos back to back. They’re easily worth it, as 71% of Facebook users increased their social video viewing in the last year, and 60% more are expected to do within the next. Native videos are also prioritized in the algorithm more than other content, and are given much higher reach than outbound links or potentially even text-only posts from your Page.

We’re enormous fans of Facebook video marketing here at Snappa, but we’ve always noticed that after all the work it takes to create a great Facebook video campaign, there’s one place that businesses often forget to pay attention. That’s the video ad format.

In this post, we’re going to take a close look at the best Facebook video format that you can use, why it matters, and how to get the best results from your videos every time. [continue reading…]

The Ideal Patreon Banner Size: What Creators Need to Know

Best Patreon Banner Size

My entire career wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the gig economy. I work full-time from home, running my own business, selling writing services to clients literally all over the world. I’m far from the only one, and as the gig economy continues to thrive (which it will), we’re going to see the number of people making money online continue to skyrocket.

Plenty of sites and companies have caught onto this, and offer platforms and services that are designed to help independent creators find new ways to make money off of their work– even if they aren’t selling it directly to someone else.

Patreon is one of these sites, which allows account holders to offer paid subscriptions to interested users who love what they’re doing. Everyone from poets to video game streamers to podcast hosts to nonprofit organizers have set up Patreons, with the goal of earning enough income from interested users that they can spend more time creating great content without the need to bog their viewers/listeners/readers down with annoying advertisements.

Patreon therefore offers a valuable chance for semi-regular, predictable streams of income that allows the creators to keep doing what they love, all while getting sponsored. It goes without saying, however, that most people won’t part with their money so easily, so having a solid channel that looks reputable is almost as important as great content. And of course, the Patreon banner is an important part of that. [continue reading…]

The Best YouTube Video Format for Your Channel

Best YouTube Video Format

YouTube admittedly takes a little more work than most other social media marketing platforms. Here, long-form video content, similar to IGTV, dominates, and video takes a significant amount of time to plan, create, and edit, even before you factor in things like keyword research or adding in closed captions. With so many big details to tackle before you can even upload a single video, it’s easy to overlook one tiny detail that may seem inconsequential but that actually has a big impact on your content: the best YouTube video format.

With YouTube supporting so many different file formats, it’s easy to overlook this detail and just choose the first option that looks good, but this can impact the quality of the video once uploaded. We don’t want your content or your campaigns to be negatively impacted, so in this post, we’re going to take a look at the best YouTube video format and everything technical that you need to be keeping in mind. [continue reading…]

The Best Twitter Video Format You Should Be Using

twitter video format

Twitter video has been booming. Not only is video Twitter’s fastest growing ad format, but there’s also about 1.2 billion video views every day on Twitter. Considering that Tweets with videos get about 10x more engagement than those without, it’s clearly to see why marketers and advertisers are prioritizing video on the platform more than ever before.

A lot of these marketers, businesses, and advertisers, however, are a little in the dark about how exactly to get the kind of results they want with Twitter video. They aren’t sure how long their videos should be, what type of file format they should be using, and even what size video dimensions to upload.

With so much potential for Twitter video, we don’t want you to leave any potential engagement, clicks, or conversions on the table. In this post, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about the best Twitter video format and technical requirements that you need to know. [continue reading…]