The Full Guide on Facebook Video Thumbnails

facebook video thumbnails

Facebook users love video, making it a solid choice for businesses wanting to reach and engage their audience. They love video so much, in fact, that on-platform video content actually accrues up to 8 billion combined views per day.

Videos are a high-engaging, dynamic media choice, giving you the chance to really sell the emotional aspects of your message and to make a lasting impression on viewers.

In order to get the results you’re looking for, though, you need to actually get users to watch the video itself. While auto-play in the Facebook feed can absolutely help attract attention, you don’t want to rely on that exclusively. Some users have auto-play disabled, after all, and you still want people to be interested when they see only a title and thumbnail. This may be the case when they’re seeing recommended video previews, when they’re looking through search results, or when they’re looking through your Facebook Page.

This is why Facebook video thumbnails are so important. In this post, we’re going to take a look at everything you need to know about thumbnails for video on Facebook, including how to create thumbnails that practically guarantee clicks and views. [continue reading…]

7 Common Social Media Mistakes All Brands Should Avoid

8 Social Media Mistakes All Brands Should Avoid

Social media marketing is a huge potential asset to businesses, nonprofits, and organizations of all kinds. You can reach new users, build up loyal and engaged followings, and continually connect and interact with your target audience without technically needing to pay a dime. It’s free, there’s not really a learning curve involved, and it’s easy to get started whenever you’re ready.

As someone who has worked as a social media practitioner for years, it always legitimately makes me sad when I see that most brands struggle to get the results they should be getting because they’re not leveraging the platforms correctly. This happens much more often than you’d think, even from brands that have really loyal audiences who would love to see strong social profiles to interact with.

While there are a few brands who really step outside the box and find unique ways to derail their social media marketing (like insulting customers or failing to reliably proofread), most are making the same common, seemingly-innocent mistakes over and over again. And though a small mistake like failing to optimize your content isn’t nearly as inflammatory as a brand posting something overtly political or insensitive, it can actually impact you long-term almost as much.

So what are these pitfalls to avoid? In this post, we’re going to take a look at the 7 devastating-but-common social media mistakes that we see happening over and over again, and how you can avoid them.

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How to Create a Zoom Virtual Background for Your Video Calls

How to Create a Zoom Virtual Background

With the surge of individuals working from home and the increase in demand for virtual communication, Zoom video has really emerged as the go-to video conferencing application.

Whether you’re a business running remotely, a student, a teacher running an online class, or an individual reaching out to friends or family. Zoom video is probably your best bet for reliable video calling.

A cool feature that the application offers is the ability to add a Zoom virtual background image to your video. It can get repetitive to showcase the same backdrop in your house so adding a virtual background can really spice things up.

Being able to add a Zoom virtual background gives you the freedom to be creative with it. You can easily customize your video background image to include a scenic photo or even add text to brand yourself better to clients.

We’ve included everything you need to know about Zoom virtual backgrounds in this article and even provide some examples for you to reference!

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The Best LinkedIn Article Image Sizes & Best Practices

Full Guide to LinkedIn Image Sizing

One of today’s most valuable and important social networks is the robust, career-oriented platform LinkedIn. It’s an excellent networking tool, essential for B2B businesses, and invaluable to personal brands looking to establish expertise and credibility. Many brands and professionals are using LinkedIn to grow their businesses, broaden their client base, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective spaces. 

In order to fully optimize LinkedIn to its highest potential, it’s essential that we make use of all the tools at our disposal. One of the most powerful tools on LinkedIn is its publishing platform, where site members can write and publish original articles. 

Publishing articles on LinkedIn is one way that many career professionals, business owners, and brands are choosing to showcase their expertise and build their online platform. Like most social networks, though, elements of your visuals must be attention-grabbing enough to make readers want to click. 

Images can help us capture the attention we need for our articles. But those images must be optimized properly for the platform we’re using in order to attract the right sort of attention. Failing to use the correct image sizes can hinder the right people from seeing our work. [continue reading…]

The Best YouTube Thumbnail Fonts to Use for Your Videos

Best YouTube Thumbnail Fonts

When starting a YouTube channel, there are so many different elements you need to consider in order to gain success on the platform. From YouTube channel art, video descriptions, and video titles – there’s no shortage of things to perfect.

One of the most important aspects of a YouTube channel is the video thumbnail. You need to make sure that your thumbnail is visually appealing and will attract viewers from first glance. A YouTube thumbnail will make or break your video content – it can be the deciding factor for your page!

From the thumbnail design, YT thumbnail size, and the YouTube thumbnail fonts, you need to make sure that everything about the thumbnail is optimized.

In this article, we have compiled a list of the best YouTube thumbnail fonts that will attract views and will help your channel grow! We’ve included thumbnail tips along with mistakes to avoid! [continue reading…]

The Best Amazon Image Requirements for Your Product Listings

Amazon Image Requirements

In under two decades, Amazon has grown to be a juggernaut in the eCommerce space, with many people happy to pay for a Prime membership and product prices that are sometimes a dollar (or five) more than what they can pay in a long supermarket just for the convenience and accessibility. You can search for anything, and immediately see hundreds of options for whatever you’re looking for with reviews attached, and you aren’t bound by geography.

There’s a lot that goes into a great Amazon product listing,  but there’s one part of the equation that weighs the most heavily on whether or not you get clicks to the product listing all together – the Amazon product image.

Product images are what users typically scan through most intently in their search results, and it’s what will catch their eye if you’ve run an ad to try to draw attention to you, and there’s a lot to keep in mind. If you don’t have the right Amazon image size, users won’t be able to zoom, and the wrong image files will be rejected by Amazon all together.

We don’t want any of that to happen, so in this post, we’re going to take a look at Amazon image requirements for product photos and best practices to help you get those sales. [continue reading…]

Connect with Your Audience Through Facebook’s “Our Story”

Facebook's Our Story Image

Disclaimer: As of 2022, Facebook has discontinued its “Our Story” feature from all Facebook pages.

Facebook is constantly making changes to improve its users’ experience. New features are regularly added to the platform, and it’s not uncommon for the company to update its style often, too. Facebook’s algorithms are also updated regularly in a continuous attempt to better serve the people and businesses who use the platform. 

Sometimes, though, when new features roll out, they get missed by most Page owners, or they’re relatively undervalued.

One incredible Facebook feature that too many businesses aren’t taking advantage of–and that all Pages need to know about–is the “Our Story” section of the business page. So why should you be utilizing it?  [continue reading…]

The Full Guide on Twitch Emote Sizes & Guidelines

best twitch emote size & guidelines

It’s hard for me to think of a social media platform that holds more of a community than Twitch. The ability for viewers to interact with a streamer one-on-one and to other viewers in real-time is very fascinating.

One of the most interesting aspects of Twitch streams are the Twitch emotes. The ability for users to be able to create Twitch emotes and to share emoticons in chat as a form of communication is mind-blowing. It almost seems as if the Twitch community has created a new universal language between each other with graphics.

Twitch emotes are always changing based on new trends, memes, and cultural events. Since followers are allowed to create their own emoticons, we get questions all the time about free Twitch emote makers and the best Twitch emote sizes.

I’ve created a full guide on Twitch offline banners, panel sizes, cover photos, but have yet to discuss Twitch emoticons. Here is a full guide on everything you need to know about Twitch emoticons and the proper Twitch emote dimensions so you can get started on your own!
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The Best WordPress Featured Image Size & Post Thumbnail Tips

wordpress featured image size

If it feels like there’s a million and one things to consider when writing our blog posts, and that’s because there is; you need to keep everything from word count to keywords to distribution in mind. Since blogging means trying to balance all these factors while simultaneously creating valuable, it’s no surprise that WordPress featured images are often overlooked.

While it’s not a surprise, it is a shame; utilizing high quality, proper WordPress featured image sizing, consistently styled post thumbnails on your blog offers a ton of benefits– starting with increased brand awareness and recognition for your business (but definitely not stopping there).

In this blogger’s guide to featured blog images, we’ll answer all your questions about why you need strong photos and the best WordPress featured image size on your blog. You’ll also learn how to create them, and the best practices to follow when choosing and creating a strong post thumbnail! [continue reading…]

The Ultimate Guide to Instagram’s IGTV & The Ideal Video Size

what is igtv video size ultimate guide

It feels like ever since Facebook Zero was announced, marketers and brands haven’t been able to talk about anything but the major social media site that caused “friending” to become a verb. After several months of fixating on Facebook, though, Instagram has finally stolen the spotlight away from their partner platform with their new IGTV.

Instagram’s new IGTV is a huge development in the marketing world, bring more long-form content to the platform in a way that’s sure to shake things up.

In this post, we’ll take a look at everything we need know about IGTV, including what’s the proper IGTV video size & dimensions, what IGTV means for Instagram’s platform, what it means for marketers, examples of businesses already knocking it out of the park, and a few ideas for where to get started. [continue reading…]