9 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas: Increase Email Signups by 384%

Lead magnet ideas

Are you struggling to convert readers into email subscribers? Are too many people landing on your site then leaving without taking action?

If this sounds familiar, you need to create a lead magnet. Immediately.

Also known as an opt-in bribe (a term I’m not really a fan of), a lead magnet is any offer you give to a visitor in exchange for an email address.

The offer is often the extra push they need to become a subscriber. 

In this post, we’ll hook you up with 9 ideas for creating highly effective lead magnets. And just as important, we’ll explain how to make them effective.  [continue reading…]

On-Page SEO Checklist: 14 Ways to Optimize Your Blog Posts for Google

On-Page SEO Checklist

There’s a lot that goes into ranking articles in Google. For starters, your content needs to be top notch. You also need to drive high quality and relevant backlinks to your post.

But here’s the thing…

Without proper on-page SEO, everything else goes down the drain.

You can write a killer piece of content and drive tons of backlinks to it, but if you’re targeting the wrong keywords, you could be missing out on floods of free traffic.

Before you publish any blog post, it’s important to run it through an on-page SEO checklist to make sure that everything is covered. Doing so increases the chances of your article ranking for relevant keywords.

In this article, I’ll discuss 14 steps to optimize your blog post for Google. [continue reading…]