The Ultimate Guide to Nextdoor Image Sizes 

nextdoor image sizes

If you’re using Nextdoor to keep up with what’s happening in your neighborhood and local community, chances are you want your friends and neighbors to easily recognize you.

Easy personal or brand recognition means using the ideal Nextdoor image sizes on your profile or business page. If you own a local business and want to get your name out there, you’ll need to have great-looking visuals to go with it.

Ready to get started? Let’s take a look at the different types of Nextdoor images and their sizes. [continue reading…]

How to Hide Your Instagram Likes

how to hide your instagram likes

Visible validation is a major driving force for most users. In other words, it’s all about the likes.

We know that psychologically, users can become addicted to the thrill of having content that’s “liked” quickly.

And we also know that users are going to take notice of content that’s accrued a ton of likes on social media, too; partially because the algorithms give that content a boost, and partly because social proof is powerful (#FOMO).

And yet despite this, Instagram has recently given accounts the option to hide their likes.

*Cue the sound of a car screeching to a stop.*

Yup. We said hiding the likes.

While it seems like this may defeat the purpose of an engagement-heavy social media platform, this is a feature that users are asking about. In this post, we’re going to show you how you can hide your posts’ likes on Instagram, why some users may want to, and why we recommend that most brands don’t. [continue reading…]

11 Graphic Design Tips to Create Images Like a Pro

graphic design tips

From the colors and images you select, to the overall mood, creating images like a pro is a bit more involved than you might realize. There are many elements at play in a professional-looking graphic design. Luckily, it’s possible to learn the skills it takes to create sharp, eye-catching graphics.

In this post, we’re sharing some effective graphic design tips to help you get started on your journey of creating images that will revamp your online presence and snag your audience’s attention. [continue reading…]

What Logo Size is Best: The Best Logo Sizes for Different Platforms 

best logo size

It’s always a good idea to use a consistent logo across your entire online presence, including your website, social media sites, and online directories. A clean, well-designed logo will help boost your brand recognition, ultimately making your overall marketing strategy more effective.

While using one logo is the way to go, you’ll likely need variations on it in all different shapes and sizes. That’s because every platform that makes up your online presence has slightly different logo size requirements.

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How to Change Your YouTube Thumbnail

how to change youtube thumbnail

These days, your YouTube thumbnail is almost as important as the video content itself. As we’ve previously mentioned, a crisp, well-designed YouTube thumbnail can be the factor that determines whether your audience clicks on your video or not.

Have you ever noticed that a lot of big YouTube accounts switch up their thumbnails during special events or holidays, like the Superbowl or Christmas? Let’s take a look at how to add a new thumbnail for an existing video, and why this is so important for your channel.

Let’s jump right in!

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The Best eBook Cover Size & Best Practices

You have an incredible book with an outstanding, binge-worthy story that’s sure to hook readers…but no one will know that if your eBook cover isn’t strong enough to entice them to open it.

The idea that “you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover” is well-intentioned and a good idea for life in general. But your cover is an all-important part of eBook marketing and sales.

The reality is that people do judge books by their covers all the time. Luckily, it’s possible to DIY your own eye-catching book cover so you can get your story out in the world.

In this post, we’re going to look at the best eBook cover sizes and best practices. Let’s dive right in. [continue reading…]

The Ideal Reddit Banner Size & Best Practices

reddit banner size

Reddit is one of the most interesting places on the internet. I fully believe that, and you’ll be hard-pressed to change my mind.

It can provide an exceptional source of community. No matter what you’re interested in, you can find a group of people who share those interests and want to discuss them.

When I was going off to college, I joined subreddits for recent high school grads and for my specific future college. I’ve followed subreddits for favorite TV shows, for dog owners (and for specific dog breeds). I planned my wedding and would pop into related subreddits, and even learned how to better care for my curly hair.

The sky is the limit here, which means there are plenty of opportunities for those who want to start their own community for whatever reason. And the good news is that community building opportunities are exceptional… if you know what to do.

One crucial part of starting a thriving subreddit is to absolutely nail your Reddit banner. And in this post, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about the ideal Reddit banner size and five best practices to help. [continue reading…]

10 Instagram Post Ideas to Test for Your Brand

instagram post ideas

I’m a strong believer in “every brand needs an Instagram account.” Even if you don’t think you do.

B2B brands do. Small local service-based businesses with limited audience reach also do. Nonprofits, medical organizations, and even freelancers should strongly consider having an Instagram.

It’s an incredibly high-engaging platform with great discoverability potential, and we know that users are actively excited to connect with brands they like. The organic reach is also phenomenal when you’re able to create high-engaging content that your audience loves.

That’s always the snag, isn’t it? Knowing how to create that high-engaging content.

To make things easier, in this post we’re going to look at 10 different types of Instagram post ideas that typically perform exceptionally well on the platform so you can increase engagement, organic reach, and your results all in one. [continue reading…]

Best Spotify Playlist Cover Size & Best Practices

Best Spotify Cover Dimensions & Best Practices

When it comes to streaming platforms like Spotify, it’s easy to think that the only thing that could ever matter is the music, and maybe the titles. People are there for the music, and if they’re walking around listening through the app with their phones in their pockets, how much could visuals really matter?

This isn’t a mistake that you want to make, however, as Spotify playlist and album covers can actually play a big part in what users choose to listen to. If you want to get more clicks on and listens to your playlist, you’re going to want to choose a strong playlist cover photo.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at how to create a high-performing Spotify playlist cover that will attract user attention, including looking at the best Spotify playlist cover size and specific best design practices. [continue reading…]

The Ultimate Guide to Shopify Image Sizes

shopify image size

Shopify is an incredible eCommerce platform, making it easier than ever for businesses and merchants to create a site for their business, market their products, and sell like never before. They have multiple different shopping cart and payment options naturally integrated into the platform, and there are thousands upon thousands of apps that can help you do everything from automating your accounting to creating shipping labels at a discount.

There are so many incredible options that sometimes merchants can still feel a little lost with some of the basics. If you can upload images of so many different shapes and sizes, for example, how do you know which one is best?

Fortunately, there are straightforward answers about the best Shopify image sizes, image subjects, and overall best practices. In this post we’ll look at everything you need to know about the best Shopify image sizes and how to optimize them to help you sell more right away. [continue reading…]